
A graphic of Hatsune Miku smiling at the camera
A graphic of a pastel anime girl smiling


About Me:

  • I'm very gay

  • I am very paranoid when it comes to security and being doxxed

  • I'm trans-age. No, I don't think it's okay for physical adults to date physical kids

  • My internal age can vary from either an elementary schooler or a 14 year old

  • I'm a survivor of CSA, SA, and grooming

  • I'm nyan-binary and use they/them


  • British "people" /j

  • Pro-cs (people who think kids can consent) and ex-offenders (more explanation on that here)

  • General bigots (ableists, TERFs, homophobes, etc.)

A graphic of a pastel anime girl smiling